China-Russia Law & Regulation

Chinese-Russia Legal & Commercial law, regulation, information etc

Benefits for foreigners to start a company in China

If you want to start a company in China, in addition to knowing how to apply for materials preparation, application steps and various taxes. You also have to know the benefits of starting a company in China. Ⅰ:Broad consumer market As the most populous country in the world, China’s consumer market is extremely large. This provides a huge potential market for foreign investors. Whether for consumer goods, services or high-tech industries, China has amazing development potential. China’s consumer demand is diversified, providing a stage for foreign companies to showcase their products and services. In addition, with the continuous growth of China’s economy, the purchasing power of consumers is also increasing, …

Benefits for foreigners to start a company in China もっと読む »

Company tax payable by foreigners to start a company in mainland China

The following are the main corporate taxes involved in the establishment of a company (provided by PwC China) ○ China is one of the biggest markets in the world and is attracting more and more global investors to move into the China market. In order to run the business in a most cost efficient way, it is necessary for the foreign investors to understand all the potential relevant tax costs that would be incurred in China before making an investment decision. In addition, different type of investment activities will trigger different types of taxes. Ⅰ. Tax on income a. Corporate income tax (“CIT”) – standard tax rate is 25%, but …

Company tax payable by foreigners to start a company in mainland China もっと読む »

keywords:Юрист в Китае Юрист в Китае