Legal & Commercial Service
We are an International Chinese law firm distinguished by its preeminent lawyers and the successful results it has achieved for its distinguished group of clients in diverse and complex cases. As one of the leading international Chinese law firms located in China, We have been recognized in various legal listings and directories – especially the highest rating for legal ability and professional ethics.
We provide you with high-quality legal and commercial services within China-related matters. Below we listed parts of the service that we are disponible to provide, but our range of services is not limited to them.
Corporate Establishment in China
Regitration of Representative Office in China
Regitration of Branch Office in China
Regitration of Liaison Office in China
Regitration of Project Office in China
Regitration of Wholly Foreign-Owned Entity (WFOE) in China
Regitration of Limited Liability Partnerships and Corporation in China
Regitration of Joint Venture in China
Regitration of Holding Company in China
Regitration of Offshore Company in China
Regitration of Non-Governmental Organization in China
Company Deregistration in China
Amendment of Company Registration in China
Corporate Governance and Company Secretarial in China
Corporate Structuring in China
Accounting support in China
Tax consulting in China
Selection and registration of a legal and physical address in China
Office arrangement (seek for office, facilitate contracting the rent, renovation of the office, communication and supervision of the constructors, etc)
Recruitment in China
Supplier search in China
- Search for reliable suppliers that meet your criteria for product quality, payment terms and production time.
Chinese Company Verification
- 중국 파트너에 대한 재정, 법률 및 기술 감사를 통해 대규모 제조업체와 협력할 때 위험을 줄일 수 있습니다.
Preparation of Legal documents
- Help you with the preparation of the required legal documents (contract, commercial invoice, custom declaration, performa invoice, packinglist, certificate of origins, Certificate for Export, Shipper’s Letter of Instruction, Ocean Bill of Lading, Air Waybill, Dangerous Goods Forms, Bank Draft etc.)
거래 성사 지원
- 자신감 있는 작업을 위한 국제 계약 및 합의의 생성, 승인 및 지원을 포괄적으로 지원합니다.
Remote office in China with a range of services
Inspection for goods in China
Trademark Service in China
- Trademark strategy in China
- Trademark registration in China
- Trademark renewal in China
- Trademark prosecution in China
- Cancellation against registered trademark in China
- Trademark invalidation in China
- Trademark assignment in China
- Trademark licensing management in China
- Trademark transfer in China
- Trademark infringement in China
Patent Service in China
- Patent registration in China
- Patent invalidation in China
- Patent assignment in China
- Patent licensing management in China
- Patent transfer in China
- Patent infringement in China
Copyright in China
- Copyright registration in China
- Copyright invalidation in China
- Copyright assignment in China
- Copyright licensing management in China
- Copyright transfer in China
- Copyright infringement in China
Bilingual Contract drafting and reviewing (Chinese-English contract, Chinese-Russian contract, Chinese- Spanish contract, Chinese-French contract, Chinese-Arabic contract, Chinese-Japanese contract, Chinese-German contract, Chinese-Dutch contract)
- Confidential Agreement (Non-Disclosure, Non-Circumvention and Non-Competition Agreement “NNN Agreement”),
- Manufacturing/Supply Agreement (OEM/ODM Agreement),
- Sales Contract,
- Exclusive Distribution Agreement
- Joint Venture Agreement,
- Franchise Agreement,
- Royalty Agreement,
- Labor Agreement, etc.
- Other contract
Chinese Lawyer’s letter
Litigation in China
Arbitration in China, etc.
Criminal defence attroney in China
Personal Injury
Car accident
Drugs & Marijuana
Confiscation in China
Other crimes
Distribution of assets
General property division, including distribution of assets in high net worth divorce cases
Employee benefits and pension plans
Real estate
Custody and Support Issues
Child support, custody and parenting plans
Alimony and spousal support
Parent relocation
Post-divorce modification
Fathers’ rights
- Tourist L visa
- Business M visa
- Working Z visa
- Family Q or S visa
- Visa On Arrival
- Visa for Student
- Invitation letter
- Diploma Authenticate
- No Criminal Record
- Talents R visa
- China Green Card
We Help Solve Your Legal Problem
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