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OIOLaw | We solve your legal and business problem in China.

Legal & Commercial Service

We are an International Chinese law firm distinguished by its preeminent lawyers and the successful results it has achieved for its distinguished group of clients in diverse and complex cases. As one of the leading international Chinese law firms located in China, We have been recognized in various legal listings and directories – especially the highest rating for legal ability and professional ethics.

We provide you with high-quality legal and commercial services within China-related matters. Below we listed parts of the service that we are disponible to provide, but our range of services is not limited to them.

  • 🏠在中国设立公司 

    • 注册中国代表处 

    • 中国分公司的注册

    • 驻华联络处注册

    • 中国项目办公室注册

    • 外商独资企业(WFOE)在华注册

    • 中国有限责任合伙企业的注册

    • 在华合资企业的注册

    • 中国控股公司的注册

    • 中国离岸公司注册

    • 中国非政府组织登记

    • 中国公司注销 

    • 中国公司注册变更

    • 中国的公司治理和公司秘书

    • 中国企业架构

  • 🪙中国会计支持 

  • 💴中国税务咨询 
  • 🚩Selection and registration of a legal and physical address in China 
  • 🏡Office arrangement (seek for office, facilitate contracting the rent, renovation of the office, communication and supervision of the constructors, etc) 
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑中国招聘 

  • 🔎Supplier search in China 
    • Search for reliable suppliers that meet your criteria for product quality, payment terms and production time. 
  • 🧾Chinese Company Verification 
    • 对您的中国合作伙伴的财务、法律和技术审计,让您在与大型制造商合作时降低风险。
  • 📃Preparation of Legal documents
    • 帮助您准备所需的法律文件(合同、商业发票、报关单、执行发票、装箱单、原产地证明、出口证明、托运人指示信、海运提单、空运提单、危险品表格、银行草稿等)
  • 🤝商业谈判-促进成交
    • 为跨国谈判、国际合同和协议的起草提供全方位服务。
  • 🏡Remote office in China with a range of services
  • 🛂Inspection for goods in China
  • 💡Trademark Service in China 
    • 中国商标战略 
    • 中国商标注册
    • 中国商标续展
    • 中国商标诉讼
    • 注销中国注册商标
    • 中国商标无效
    • 中国商标转让
    • 中国商标许可管理
    • 中国商标转让
    • 中国商标侵权


  • 🧠Patent Service in China
    • 中国专利注册
    • 中国专利无效
    • 中国专利转让
    • 中国专利许可管理
    • 中国专利转让
    • 中国专利侵权


  • 📕Copyright in China
    • 中国著作权登记
    • 中国版权无效
    • 中国版权转让
    • 中国版权许可管理
    • 中国版权转让
    • 中国版权侵权
  • 📄Bilingual Contract drafting and reviewing (Chinese-English contract, Chinese-Russian contract, Chinese- Spanish contract, Chinese-French contract, Chinese-Arabic contract, Chinese-Japanese contract, Chinese-German contract, Chinese-Dutch contract) 
    • 保密协议(保密、不规避和不竞争协议“NNN 协议”), 
    • 制造/供应协议(OEM/ODM 协议),
    • 销售合同,
    • 独家经销协议
    • 合资协议,
    • 特许经营协议,
    • 版税协议,
    • 劳动协议等
    • 其他合同
  • 🧑‍⚖️Chinese Lawyer’s letter 
  • ☮️Mediation
  • ⚖️Litigation in China
  • 👥Arbitration in China, etc.
  • 👨‍⚖️中国刑事辩护律师
  • 🩹Personal Injury
  • 🚗车祸
  • 💊Drugs & Marijuana
  • 🤯Fraud
  • 💻网络犯罪
  • 👮‍Confiscation in China
  • 🙅‍Other crimes
  • 💔Distribution of assets 
  • 👐General property division, including distribution of assets in high net worth divorce cases
  • 🧔Employee benefits and pension plans
  • 👴Retirement
  • 🏠Real estate
  • 👨‍👦Custody and Support Issues
  • 👨‍👩‍👦Child support, custody and parenting plans
  • 👫Alimony and spousal support
  • 🤶Parent relocation
  • 👩Post-divorce modification
  • 💪Fathers’ rights
  • 旅游L签证 
  • 商务M签证
  • 工作Z签证
  • 家庭 Q 或 S 签证
  • 落地签证
  • 学生签证
  • 邀请函
  • 文凭认证
  • 无犯罪记录
  • 人才R签证
  • 中国绿卡

We Help Solve Your Legal Problem


keywords:Юрист в Китае Юрист в Китае